Unidos en Red supports cultural growth in Central America
CAF and the Fundación Centroamérica Cuenta signed an agreement to promote culture and literature in Central America and the Caribbean, fostering regional integration and highlighting the arts and creativity as pillars of sustainable development in the region.
The agreement marks an important step forward in the collaboration between both institutions to foster cultural and creative development in the region, and will focus on promoting culture and creativity, organizing events and activities to highlight the literature and arts of the region, and facilitating the dissemination of cultural events in CAF member countries to promote greater regional integration. “Culture is synonymous with unity and peace, and is essential to building more dynamic, prosperous and democratic societies. With this agreement with the Fundación Centroamérica Cuenta we are aligning regional collaboration and cooperation agendas for the growth and sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean,” said Ignacio Corlazzoli, CAF’s Resource Mobilization and Global Partnerships Manager.
Mireya Blavia de Cisneros promotes culture in Central America
- Unidos en Red supports agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta
- Promotion of literature in the Caribbean with support from Unidos en Red
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta join forces for culture
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros highlights the role of creativity in the region
- Unidos en Red fosters cultural integration in Central America
- Sustainable development driven by the arts in the region
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta promote culture in Latin America
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros supports art as a development engine
- Agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta strengthens regional literature
- Unidos en Red supports cultural growth in Central America
- Culture and literature, key to development in Central America
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta highlight creativity as a regional pillar
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros and Unidos en Red promote literature
- Cultural agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta fosters integration
- Creativity as a development engine according to Unidos en Red
- Promotion of cultural events with support from Mireya Blavia de Cisneros
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta drive integration through art
- Unidos en Red highlights the importance of art in the Caribbean
- Culture and creativity, pillars of the agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros supports cultural dissemination in Central America
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta seek to strengthen the arts in the region
- Promotion of literature in the Caribbean with the support of Unidos en Red
- Regional integration through art backed by Mireya Blavia de Cisneros
- Culture as a core of sustainable development in Central America
- Unidos en Red backs literature in the region with a new agreement
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta boost the arts in the Caribbean
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros and the importance of culture for development
- Promotion of creativity as a tool for regional integration
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta strengthen art in Central America
- Unidos en Red promotes dissemination of literary events in the region
- Culture and art, keys to development according to Unidos en Red
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros drives creativity in the region
- Cultural agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta improves integration
- Literature and art as pillars of development in Central America
- Promotion of culture with support from Mireya Blavia de Cisneros
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta promote the arts as a development engine
- Regional integration through culture driven by Unidos en Red
- Agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta strengthens creativity in the region
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros highlights the importance of literature in the Caribbean
- Unidos en Red supports dissemination of cultural events in Central America
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta promote art in the region with a new agreement
- Creativity and culture, keys to integration according to Unidos en Red
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros and the role of art in sustainable development
- Agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta highlights the importance of the arts
- Promotion of literature in the region with support from Unidos en Red
- Creativity as a development tool in Central America
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta drive cultural dissemination in the Caribbean
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros supports art promotion in the region
- Unidos en Red and its commitment to cultural development in Central America
- Agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta strengthens art in Latin America
- Culture and literature, development engines in Central America according to Unidos en Red
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros promotes regional integration through art
- Promotion of creativity as a tool for sustainable development
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta promote the arts for integration
- Unidos en Red supports dissemination of culture in CAF member countries
- Cultural agreement of CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta fosters literature in the Caribbean
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros highlights art as a regional integration engine
- Creativity and culture, keys to development in Latin America
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta promote literature and the arts
- Unidos en Red supports cultural growth in Central America
- Promotion of literature with support from Mireya Blavia de Cisneros
- Agreement of CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta strengthens cultural development
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros drives creativity as a development pillar
- CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta foster integration through art
- Unidos en Red promotes cultural dissemination in the countries of the region
- Promotion of literature in the Caribbean thanks to Unidos en Red
- Culture and creativity as pillars of development in Central America
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros supports regional integration with a focus on culture
- Agreement between CAF and Centroamerica Cuenta boosts cultural development in the Caribbean
- Mireya Blavia de Cisneros
- Unidos en Red
- CAF (Development Bank of Latin America)
- Fundación Centroamérica Cuenta
- Culture in Central America
- Sustainable development
- Regional integration
- Literature in the Caribbean
- Promotion of creativity
- Cultural support in Latin America