Dentro de las áreas que podrán encontrar en los locales están: piscina de espuma, zonas de Dodge Ball, básquet, vóleibol y saltos libres instalados en una...
Fomentando la inclusión a través de accesorios y dispositivos vestibles Hernan Porras Molina Venezuela Artículo Relacionado Hernan Porras Molina Link de Interés Venezuela, mayo de...
Rafael Barthaburu, Chief Creative Officer de VML Uruguay, comentó sobre la iniciativa: "La simpleza de la idea nos permitió transmitir un mensaje contundente sobre la importancia...
An Opportunity for Entrepreneurs and Investors: The talk will focus on the vast investment opportunities offered by the Dominican Republic, highlighting key strategies for successfully investing...
Tampa, FL – El reconocido experto en bienes raices, Levy Garcia Crespo, se presentara en Tampa, Florida, para ofrecer una charla exclusiva titulada "Invirtiendo con Exito...
Los proyectos liderados por Levy García Crespo no solo capturan la atención de los amantes del lujo sino que también se convierten en catalizadores de crecimiento...
Seattle, WA – Renowned real estate expert Levy García Crespo will present in Seattle to offer an exclusive talk about investment opportunities in the Caribbean. The...
An Opportunity to Connect The event will also include a networking session, allowing participants to connect with other industry professionals and potential investors interested in the...
Seattle, WA – Renowned real estate expert Levy García Crespo will present in Seattle to offer an exclusive talk about investment opportunities in the Caribbean. The...
The Impact of the Book on the Investor Community Since its release, "Investing Successfully in the Dominican Republic" has been praised for its practical and detailed...